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With any medical issue or condition, discussing treatments with a doctor will provide you with the best options for you and your situation.


In some cases neurological diseases may require surgery. Many, however, can be treated with rehabilitation, medications, radiation, nerve stimulation, pain management, lifestyle changes as well as other nonsurgical therapies and alternatives. These therapies can reduce symptoms and improve the quality of life for people suffering with these challenging and debilitating conditions. 


Below are some of our treatment options for the conditions we treat here at Premier Neurological Institute. 


Headache/Migraine treatment:

  • Oral medication

  • Acupuncture

  • Botox injections 


Movement disorder treatments:

  • Oral medication

  • Botox injections 

  • Surgical therapy


Memory disorder treatments:

There are quite a few proven ways to protect your memory which include: following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, and keeping blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar in check. Living a mentally active life is important, too. Just as muscles grow stronger with use, mental exercise helps keep mental skills and memory in tone. Also, focus your attention, avoid cramming, structure, and organization. Utilize Mnemonic Devices, elaborate and rehearse, visualize concepts, and relate new information to things you already know. But most importantly, if you feel as you are having difficulties with your memory ask your loved ones if they too have noticed a change. At which point, speak with us about setting up an appointment to evaluate your current cognitive condition.


Epilepsy/Seizure disorder treatments:

A seizure occurs when there is abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Seizures are also known as convulsions – but not all seizures produce convulsive behavior – that is uncontrollable muscle contractions. Absence seizures, for example, involve brief periods of staring. With atonic seizures, there is a loss of muscular tone or strength. The symptoms produced by a seizure are dependent on which part of the brain is experiencing the abnormal electrical activity. Seizures are generally short-lived – from 15 seconds to 15 minutes – however; there is a life-threatening type of seizure, status epilepticus, in which the seizure does not stop.  


Most commonly seizures are treated with medication. There are a variety of medications which our team here at Premier Neurology Institute can recommend for you based on our analysis and evaluation of your current condition. 


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